Last week, I visited Water fall, Dam & mountain near Pune. Place is very calm and cool. Those who do not want any disturbance can visit this place. Dam is not filled upto the Level and though Water falls are lookig small from road side & falling from top of the mountain looking very beautiful. There were total 7 water falls on the C shaped mountain. From these water falls only One is accessible from the road & you can enjoy it.
I will explain route with google maps below.
Pune-Nigdi-Talegaon-Umbare Navalakh-Karanje-Shive-Kolve
Above route is of total 65 km from Pune. Thokarwadi Dam & Khadi are seperated by the Only one Mountain in between them. You can't travel Kolve water falls to Khandi waterfall.
Attarctions during journey are...
1. Navalakh Umbare mountains
2. Bhama Askhed Dam
3. Water falls in Kolve Village
4. Jadhavwadi Dam
5. Bhima Shankar????????
Confused, but its true if you want to go to the Bhima shankar temple then this is the shortest toute.
You have to go upto Wandre & then walk thr' Jungle road & can reach Bhima shankar.....I will explain it in next post.....
We will see details of the above attractions with images one by one in next post... keep watching....
As I serached Keyword on google there is wide scope for keywords like romantic places near pune, places to visit for couple etc. so those wanted Ekant can try above place.
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